- Adelheid Bernstein
- Aggressors of Dark Kombat
- Ai/Gallery
- Akari Ichijou/Gallery
- Alba Meira
- Alba Meira/Gallery
- Alba Meira/Quotes
- Alfred/Gallery
- Alfred Airhawk
- Alice/Gallery
- Andy Bogard
- Andy Bogard/Gallery
- Andy Bogard/Quotes
- Angel
- Angel/Gallery
- Another Benimaru
- Another Iori
- Another K'
- Another Robert
- Antonio
- Aoi Kusanagi
- Armor Ralf
- Art of Fighting
- Ash Crimson
- Ash Crimson/Gallery
- Ash Crimson/Move list
- Ash Crimson/Quotes
- Asuka and Maria
- Asura/Gallery
- Athena
- Athena/Gallery
- Athena/Quotes
- Athena (game)
- Athena Asamiya
- Athena Asamiya/Gallery
- Athena Asamiya/Quotes
- Aya and Hermione
- Baitang
- Bao
- Bao/Gallery
- Bao/Move list
- Basara/Gallery
- Benimaru Nikaido
- Benimaru Nikaido/Gallery
- Benimaru Nikaido/Quotes
- Billy Kane
- Billy Kane/Gallery
- Billy Kane/Quotes
- Blue Mary
- Blue Mary/Gallery
- Blue Mary/Quotes
- Bob Wilson/Gallery
- Bonne Jenet
- Bonne Jenet/Gallery
- Bonne Jenet/Move list
- Botan
- Brian Battler
- Brian Battler/Quotes
- Buriki One
- Candy Diamond
- Chae Lim
- Chang Koehan
- Charlotte/Gallery
- Chin Gentsai
- Chin Gentsai/Gallery
- Chizuru Kagura
- Chizuru Kagura/Gallery
- Chizuru Kagura/Quotes
- Choi Bounge
- Choi Bounge/Gallery
- Choi Bounge/Quotes
- Chris
- Clark Still
- Clark Still/Gallery
- Clark Still/Quotes
- Cool Choi
- Cool Guy
- Cosplayer Kyoko
- Days of Memories
- Diana
- Diana/Quotes
- Dr. Brown
- Dr. Makishima
- Dream Match
- Duck King
- Duck King/Gallery
- Duck King/Quotes
- Duke
- Duke Edwards
- Duo Lon
- Duo Lon/Gallery
- Duo Lon/Move list
- Duo Lon/Quotes
- EX Saga
- Eiji Kisaragi
- Eiji Kisaragi/Gallery
- Elisabeth Blanctorche
- Elisabeth Blanctorche/Gallery
- Elisabeth Blanctorche/Move list
- Eolith
- Eri Kasamoto/Gallery
- Evil Ash
- Fatal Fury
- Fate
- Fiolina Germi
- Fiolina Germi/Gallery
- Foxy
- G-Mantle
- Gai Tendo
- Gai Tendo/Gallery
- Gaia
- Gaidel
- Galford/Gallery
- Gallery of The King of Fighters '98 Endings
- Games Cancelados
- Gaoh/Gallery
- Gato
- Geese Howard
- Geese Howard/Gallery
- Geese Howard/Quotes
- Genjuro Kibagami/Gallery
- Genjuro Kibagami/Quotes
- Glaugan
- God Rugal
- Goenitz
- Goenitz/Gallery
- Goenitz/Move list
- Goenitz/Quotes
- Goro Daimon
- Goro Daimon/Gallery
- Gustav Munchausen
- Hakkesshu
- Hanzo Hattori
- Hanzo Hattori/Gallery
- Haohmaru/Gallery
- Haohmaru/Move list
- Haohmaru/Quotes
- Heavy D!
- Heavy D!/Quotes
- Heidern
- Heidern/Gallery
- Heidern/Move list
- Heidern/Quotes
- Hibiki Takane/Gallery
- Hinako Shijou
- Hotaru Futaba
- Hotaru Futaba/Gallery
- Hwa Jai
- Hyakutaro Ichimonji/Gallery
- Hyena
- Igniz
- Ikari Warriors
- Iori Yagami
- Iori Yagami/Gallery
- Iori Yagami/Quotes
- Iroha/Gallery
- Isolde
- Itokatsu
- Jalange
- Jan
- Jhun Hoon
- Jhun Hoon/Quotes
- Jivatma
- Joe Higashi
- Joe Higashi/Gallery
- Jokyojo
- Jubei Yagyu/Gallery
- Judeim
- Jun Kagami
- Junko Sendo
- Jyazu
- K'
- K'/Gallery
- K'/Quotes
- K9999
- KOF: Maximum Impact
- KOF: Maximum Impact 2
- KOFW:Metas
- KOF Maximum Impact Regulation "A"
- Kaede
- Kang Bae Dal
- Kaoru Watabe
- Kasumi Todoh
- Kasumi Todoh/Gallery
- Kazuki Kazama/Gallery
- Keisuke Sendo
- Kim Dong Hwan
- Kim Jae Hoon
- Kim Jae Hoon/Quotes
- Kim Kaphwan
- Kim Kaphwan/Gallery
- Kim Kaphwan/Movelist
- Kim Kaphwan/Quotes
- Kim Sue Il
- Kim Sue Il/Gallery
- King
- King/Gallery
- King/Quotes
- King Lion
- King Lion/Gallery
- Kisarah Westfield/Gallery
- Kogoro Daimon
- Krizalid
- Krizalid/Quotes
- Kula Diamond
- Kula Diamond/Gallery
- Kula Diamond/Quotes
- Kusanagi
- Kusanagi/Gallery
- Kyo-1
- Kyo-2
- Kyo Kusanagi
- Kyo Kusanagi/Gallery
- Kyo Kusanagi/Quotes
- Kyo Kusanagi Classic
- Kyoji Sendo
- Leona/Gallery
- Leona/Move list
- Leona Heidern
- Li Xiangfei
- Li Xiangfei/Gallery
- Lien Neville
- Lillien Knights
- Lilly Kane
- Lilly Kane/Gallery
- Lin
- Ling
- Linha do Tempo
- Lista de Personagens
- Luan, Chat and Sai
- Lucky Glauber
- Lucky Glauber/Quotes
- Luise Meyrink
- Luise Meyrink/Gallery
- Magaki
- Mai Shiranui
- Mai Shiranui/Gallery
- Mai Shiranui/Quotes
- Maki Kagura
- Makoto Mizoguchi
- Makoto Mizoguchi/Move list
- Malin
- Malin/Gallery
- Marco Rossi/Gallery
- Mature
- Mature/Gallery
- Mature/Move list
- Maxima
- Maxima/Gallery
- Maximum Impact Saga
- May Lee
- May Lee/Quotes
- Metal Slug
- Mignon Beart
- Mikoto/Gallery
- Mina Majikina/Gallery
- Misty
- Miu Kurosaki
- Mizuchi
- Moe Habana
- Momoko
- Momoko/Gallery
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Big/Gallery
- Mr. Big/Quotes
- Mr. Karate
- Mr. Karate/Gallery
- Mr. Karate/Quotes
- Mr. Karate II
- Mukai
- NESTS Saga
- Nagase
- Nakoruru
- Nakoruru/Gallery
- Nameless
- Neo & Geo
- Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
- Nests
- Nightmare Geese
- Ninon Beart
- Ninon Beart/Gallery
- Ninon Beart/Quotes
- Omega Rugal
- Omega Rugal/Gallery
- Orochi
- Orochi/Gallery
- Orochi/Move list
- Orochi Chris
- Orochi Chris/Move list
- Orochi Iori
- Orochi Leona
- Orochi Saga
- Orochi Shermie
- Orochi Shermie/Move list
- Orochi Yashiro
- Orochi Yashiro/Move list
- Oswald
- Oswald/Move list
- Oswald/Quotes
- P-chan
- Psycho Soldier
- Raiden
- Raiden/Gallery
- Raiden/Move list
- Raiden/Quotes
- Ralf Jones
- Ralf Jones/Gallery
- Ralf Jones/Move list
- Ralf Jones/Quotes
- Ramon
- Reiji Oogami
- Richard Meyer
- Rimururu/Gallery
- Rinka Yoshino/Gallery
- Ripper and Hopper
- Robert Garcia
- Robert Garcia/Gallery
- Robert Garcia/Move list
- Robert Garcia/Quotes
- Rock Howard
- Rock Howard/Gallery
- Rock Howard/Quotes
- Rocky
- Rodem
- Ron
- Rose Bernstein
- Rose Bernstein/Gallery
- Rugal Bernstein
- Rugal Bernstein/Gallery
- Rugal Saga
- Rumi Aikawa/Gallery
- Ryo Sakazaki
- Ryo Sakazaki/Gallery
- Ryo Sakazaki/Quotes
- Ryuhaku Todoh/Gallery
- Ryuji Yamazaki
- Ryuji Yamazaki/Gallery
- Ryuji Yamazaki/Quotes
- SNK Wiki:Templates
- Saiki
- Saiki/Quotes
- Saisyu Kusanagi
- Sally and Elizabeth
- Samurai Shodown
- Sandra and Clara